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Traders who join GWC's discord online chat room community will have access to top tier features!! Live news alerts, the fastest trading/alert bots powered by A.I., price levels/targets, 1 on 1 help with experienced traders, daily analysis, and more.
Our traders have been there and done it, now they're here to share knowledge with the masses! Join today and find out for yourself why GWC is the highest quality trading group!
Our goal is to help you achieve financial freedom in the toughest market conditions.

  • Options
  • Covered Calls
  • Equity Positions
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Alternative Investments and NFTs
  • Financial Data Bots


Daily watchlists from experienced traders, live voice chat trading, intraday levels and breakouts, weekly newsletters.

Covered Calls

Covered Call Theory and many more resources!.


Entry/exit levels for all the major cryptocurrencies, Initial Token Offerings and more.

Alternative Investments and NFTs

Intro to NFTs, staking, quick flips and more.

Financial Data Bots

The most advanced automated bots. Our members will NEVER miss an alert!

Equity Positions

Long term positions on SPACS, IPO, and established stocks.