How to Join?

Follow the directions below to join our Discord community.

Joining our community is pretty simple. Join our discord, head back to the site and upgrade your membership. Head back to our discord and access new material and features!
For any concerns or inquiries, send us a message at

  • Discord

    Our discord link can be found on the homepage or here

  • Upgrade

    Click on any "Join Now" button on our website and select a tier to get access to all our features

  • Learn

    Head over to our discord and get familiar with the market and learn lifelong skills to empower yourself

To view the complete guide to joining Global Wealth Concierge, please Click Here

To cancel your upgrade at any time, log into with your discord and manage your profile. For any concerns or inquiries, send us a message at

Ready to Take Control of Your Finances?

Our welcoming community of like-minded individuals is ready to empower you to meet your financial goals!